Beloved local reading series, Constellation, and Portland indie publisher, Buckman Journal are joining forces for the April installment of the series. Featured readers include Charlie J. Stephens, Carolyn Supinka, Stephanie Victoire
Constellation is a once-monthly, multi-genre literary reading series, featuring three scheduled readers per event. We intend to create a warm, inclusive community space for those who love the written word, build a long-running Portland institution that centers unrepresented writers, and provide a regular opportunity to connect with each other around literature. Each reading will be anchored by Portland-based writers, though we will host visiting writers. We are committed to justice and inclusion and will prioritize BIPOC writers and writers with identities underrepresented in institutional spaces. Constellation is organized by Jessica Johnson and Joon Ae Haworth-Kaufka, two Portland writers and community organizers who met while teaching at Portland Community College.
COVID Policy
Masks are required in the downstairs reading space. Readers may unmask while reading. Tin House has a upstairs space for socializing where masks are optional. We ask that you enjoy Constellation from home via livestream if you have symptoms or are testing positive for COVID.
At this time, the indoor reading space is accessible by stairs and by ramp. There are no wheelchair-accessible restrooms.
Readings will be livestreamed with YouTube automated captions, and we will ask readers to provide text copies for accessibility purposes on request. If you need an accessibility copy, please request it 48 hours in advance by emailing: constellationreading[at]gmail[dot]com.